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Showing posts from 2024

Episode 73 - The Visitor's Center

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 73 - The Visitor's Center . In this episode ( stream it here ), my terrific guest Lindsey Kinsella returns to the show to chat with me about: the carnotaurus, his novel The Lazarus Taxa, neat twists, his novel The Heart of Pangea, Dimetrodon narrators, naming characters, "That moment" in the book, Thylacines, Homotheriums, his new book Broken Voyage, writing from an animal's point of view, his upcoming writing projects, and much more! Find his new book, Broken Voyage available at this link:  link! Book review: Stranded in the Arctic, the international crew of an illegal whaler find themselves in a race for survival. Can they survive the cold, the sea, and, most of all, each other? Pushed to desperation in a bleak world ravaged by climate change, Lora M’Bandi fle...

Episode 72 - It's a Dinosaur!

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 72 - Isla Nublar . In this episode ( stream it here ), my terrific guest Dr.  Hannah McGregor  joins the show to chat with me about: the Stanley Park raccoons, tales about animals out in the wild, the book Clever Girl , podcasts, feminism in Jurassic Park (Spielberg, 1993), the Pop Classics Series by ECW Press , cracking open popular films for cultural analysis, her favourite dinosaur, the Canadian Museum of Nature, Tyrannosaurus lips, Man v. Nature, Bushed by Earle Virney , Man v. Moose/Skunk, Crichton's shortfalls, unpacking the inextricable themes of Jurassic Park, Spielberg's retelling of John Landis's failures while filming the Twighlight Zone (1983) , Pandora's Box, patriarchal cultures, the site of conflict between control and chaos, de-colonization as a New World Ord...

Episode 71 - Isla Nublar

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 71 - Isla Nublar . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest A.C. Gleason  joins the show to chat with me about: editing texts, adapating the novel into the film, Jaws, Spielberg films, H.P. Lovecraft, Crichton's writing, Crichton's success at writing screenplays, considering what else could have been added or omitted from the text into the film, dinosaurs, velociraptors, smoothly delivering believable science fiction, the Epigraph by Linnaeus, intellectual properties, gaining power and much more! Plus dinosaur news about: A New Theropod Dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgystan.  (Alpkarakush kyrgyicus) Caletodraco cottardi: A New Furileusaurian Abelisaurid from the Cenomanian Chalk of Normandy.  (Caletodraco cottardi) Featuring the music of...

Episode 70 - The Inside Man

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 70 - The Inside Man . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest Dr. Paul Barrett joins the show to chat with me about: how to select which journal to publish in, the new Late Triassic sauropodomorph Musankwa sanyatiensis, the provenance of the holotype fossils, performing fieldwork off a houseboat in Lake Kariba, naming dinosaurs after boats, comparing a houseboat as a laboratory against a trailer for a field lab, interpreting the Pebbly Arkose Formation in which Musankwa was discovered, observing sauropodomorph diversity in the Late Triassic, tectonic shifting during the Late Triassic, surviving the End-Triassic extinction event, supervising PhD students and much more! Plus, be sure to look into Dr. Barrett's new book A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils ...

Episode 69 - John Hammond

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 69 - John Hammond . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest June Hatfield joins the show to chat with me about: Seattle, the Pacific North West and the Olympic Peninsula, Cray Supercomputers, Olympic National Forests, ancient forests, the "Grunge Scene," the tradition of re-reading Jurassic Park every summer, paperback editions of Jurassic Park, and First Edition of Jurassic Park, changes between different editions of Jurassic Park, writing tension and timing in fiction, Crichton's writing, Dr. Henry Wu, sparing expenses, Robert Muldoon, transportation to and from Isla Nublar, JP's target audience, and much more! Plus dinosaur news about: The First Troodontid from the Upper Cretaceous Baruungoyot Formation of Mongolia (Harenadraco prima) The Phylogenetic Relatio...

Episode 68 - The Badlands

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 68 - The Badlands . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest "Tom Jurassic" Fishenden returns to the show to chat with me about: celebrating summer holidays, memorable dates, audio dramas, Tales From A Jurassic World (TFAJW), Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, fan fiction, season one of TFAJW, books on tape, Biosyn, Lew Dodgson, Season Two of TFAJW, The Lost World, Michael Crichton, voice acting, legacy characters like Howard King, Lex Murphy, dinosaurs, big dinosaurs, and much more! Plus dinosaur news about: A new stegosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Gansu Province, China (Baiyinosaurus baojiensis) A new Late Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Mid-Zambezi Basin, Zimbabwe (Musankwa sanyatiensis) Featuring the music of Snale Intro:...

Episode 67 - The Encased Mosquito

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 67 - The Encased Mosquito . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest Dr. Mark A. Loewen joins the show to chat with me about: the formation of the Rocky Mountains, Laramidia and its connection to Pangea, how Tyrannosaurs and Triceratops benefited from the climatic and geographic changes of the Late Cretaceous, and the new paper on Lokiceratops rangiformis; its discovery, its purchase and new home in Denmark at the Museum of Evolution in Denmark , hyperdiversity of macroherbivorous dinosaurs endemic to particular areas in Larimidia, finding artists to portray the animal, naming new dinosaurs, declaring a new clade albertaceratopsini, naming conventions, centrosaurs in Jurassic Park like styracosaurus, nasutoceratops and sinoceratops, the differences between chasmosaurs and cen...

Episode 66 - Iterations

Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too.  Find the episode webpage at:  Episode 66 - Iterations . In this episode ( stream it here !), my terrific guest Rob Luther joins the show to chat with me about: podcasting about our passions, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Iterations and fractal curves, challenges in podcasting, the continuing legacy of Michael Crichton, the Turtle Forever podcast , the film Jurassic Park, Crichton's literary ambitions, favourite dinosaurs, hosting guests on a show, teaching, active listening, the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, 2023's Mutant Mayhem, and his other show, Retro Junkies podcast , and much more! Plus dinosaur news about: Phylogenetic relationships of a new titanosaur (Dinosauria,Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Uruguay (Udelartitan celeste) An unexpected early-diverging iguanodontian dinosaur (Ornithischia, Or...